Thursday 26 April 2018

One thing that can save you in your toughest times


This one word tells the story of a survivor. We all are survivors of our challenges and hardships, those that are enough to shatter a person inwardly and for some outwardly also. Being resilient in those times can ensure a new life, a new ray of hope and life.

But how can a person gain that strength to be resilient when everything seems to part away? At this juncture, 'hope' shows the way, to everyone! I know people will disagree with this notion as it does not sound too practical when things actually are not in your control. But actually, there is something which is still left for you to do. And that is perhaps the most important and critical activity of your life. We should let that hope sink deep down in our self that it surfaces in the form of 'faith'.

There you are...

With faith, resilience will be a gift.

If you have faced any experience in your life that can shed light on this notion, I would love to hear.