Sunday, 9 September 2012

Manners Make Man


"Politeness is to human nature what warmth is to wax" - Unknown Author

Theres only perhaps only one reason why human being has been created as the most pious and sacred of all beings of Almighty, and that lies in the sensitive awareness of the feelings of others which we call as "manners". It is as important for a human being as water to a plant and without which not only our purpose of being dried out but also out souls. It is the greatest of all honors for a human being to be in etiquette. It is the science of living. It embraces everything. It is ethics.
A person who attains and keep trying to strengthen good manners will always have something far better in his personality with those who have the best education. “Etiquette is the fine tunning of education.”
It is the most common behavior that to react with the same rudeness when someone treats us un-politely. We almost forget that the thing or behavior we are condemning in others which make us annoyed, is exactly the same which we are also acting upon when being rude. We have to be polite to such people not because they are nice, but because we are!
As one of the greatest victories you can gain over someone is to beat him at politeness.. :)  And trust me on this, sooner or later even the hardest of bevaviors melts down to courtesy and well being only with your patience and politeness.

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