Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Reveal the creative impulse in yourself

I am not necessarily referring to artistic creativity. Many people think that creativity is producing a new creation of some type.
They’re right, that is one type of creativity. The artist, who expresses with painting pictures, molding clay or iron, composing music designing homes, furniture or clothing, is definitely creative. However, that’s only one form of creativity. Not all of us are artists by any stretch of the imagination, but in our own way we are all creative and imaginative. Creativity is an attitude toward life. It is more a matter of improvisation and inspiration than of producing something we can label as "creative." Whenever we view something in a new light or from a different perspective we are being creative.

Several years ago I read about a little boy whose pet frog fell into a hole. His father tried several ways to get the frog out, none successful. He went into the house to think about the problem. Soon the little boy came in with the frog. The father was amazed. He asked the boy what he did. The answer was so very simple that the father missed it. He answered, "I got the hose and filled the hole with water. The frog just floated up." That was creativity.
Looking at creativity in that way I am sure most of you—if not all of you—can recall times when you found a diverse approach and created a solution. It is this kind of creativity that we can use to bring richness and significance to our lives. Look at the routines that you pursue every day, and have been following for years. What would it be like if you revolutionize a few of them?
Changing something as simple as taking a different route to work will open you up to some new vistas. As you begin to look at your life with wonder you will be stunned at how thrilling it can be. Look at your life through the eyes of a child. Become childlike. A child looks at life as an exciting adventure; everything is new and wonderful. I believe that, as adults, we become so involved with our work and responsibilities we forget to take time to even imagine something different.
Creativity is within you, not in things you generate. Using it you can create and celebrate the fullness of your own individual personality. Assure yourself that you will take time to wander your environs and become aware of the beauty that is there. Observe things you never noticed before. As you open yourself to vision this part of your world in a different way, your mind will begin to look for ways to develop your actuality. It is creativity that helps to make the most of our lives, and to live up to our potential.
The world is waiting for you.

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